Step 4: Website Name and Password
Please choose a Website Name that you would like at the end of
Your Website Name must consist of letters or numbers.
Step 6: Payment Info
I understand and agree that the MWR Restore My Credit service is a FREE benefit of my MWR Financial membership and that I am not paying any fees for the work they perform on my behalf.
Why is MWR Restore My Credit FREE? (MWR Restore My Credit was added to an existing membership that only included (MWR Reduce My Taxes, MWR Eliminate My Debt,MWR Lower My Bills, MWR KeysToHome Ownership, MWR Diversified Cashflow Account, MWR Private Reserve Account, MWR Land Banking and MWR Trust My Assets), without increasing/passing the cost on to any of it's current or future members).
I also understand and agree that the monthly membership fee I am agreeing to pay covers the cost of all of the other services, included in my membership and any failure on my part to use the Services/Experts/Strategies provided via this membership is not grounds for a refund and that my participation, as well as, properly providing the requested information, is required, in order to obtain results.
본인은 등록 과정을 완료하기 위해
“독립 라이프스타일 컨설턴트 계약,
정책 및 절차,
보상 계획”을 읽었으며
, 이에 동의합니다.
이 양식을 전자적으로 제출함으로써, 본인은 MWR 라이프와의 법적인 계약에 서명하였으며, 본인이 18세 이상임을 입증합니다. 본인은 본인이 거주하는 주나 지역의 법에 달리 규정되어 있지 않는 한, 이 등록부터
본인은본인이거주하는주나지역의법에달리규정되어있지않는한, 이등록일로부터3일이내에전액환불조건으로이거래를취소할수있음을이해합니다.
나는 읽고이를 수락 한
이용 약관,
독립 대리인 계약,
개인 정보 보호 정책 등록 절차를 완료합니다.
전자적으로이 양식을 제출함으로써, 나는 MWR 라이프와 계약을 체결 나는 18 세 이상임을 증명합니다.